Board of Education
The Board of Education is the governing body of the Thomaston-Upson School System. The board's primary role is the legislation of school system policies, which are executed under the direction of the school superintendent. The Thomaston-Upson Board of Education (T-U BOE) consists of seven members who are elected by the public. Regular meetings of the Board of Education are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Central Office, located at 205 Civic Center Drive. Board of Education meetings are open to the public. The Thomaston-Upson Board of Education is a Georgia School Boards Association Exemplary Board, the highest level of recognition available to a GA School Board.
Ms. Jacqueline Hollis, Chairperson - District 2
Mr. Stephen Sadler, Vice Chairperson - District 6
Ms. Angeline McGill, Board Member - District 1
Mr. Steven South, Board Member - District 3
Mr. Brian Salter, Board Member - District 4
Mr. Scott Roberts, Board Member - District 5
Mr. Brent King, Board Member - District 7