Team work to complete a giant puzzle
Mrs Ashley and Mrs Krystal’s class has been doing lots of fun community helper activities to practice letters, beginning sounds, and more!
Rectangles, and circles can make a community helper's fire truck.
My mind is working hard to figure out a TWO sided puzzle.
Learning colors with a community helper hero.
So many ways to learn at Pre-k!! We can do so much with little hands, cut, paint, control an IPad, write our name and build a robot
Mrs Holly is reading a book about farmers, they are
a community helper that puts food on our table.
The veterinarian is open for business. Community helpers keep our pets healthy.
What sound does your name start with?
Learning all about Firemen, who knows what a Fireman does?
This is National School Counseling Week, a week that focuses public attention on the unique contributions of school counselors within U.S. school systems and how students are different because of what school counselors do. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. Join us this week in celebrating our wonderful school counselors at all TU schools and cheer them on as they help to prepare students for the challenges they face today and for the challenges they may face in the future!
Mrs Ranow's class learning so much about community helpers
Letters make words when we string them together.
We are learning all about the helpers in our community!
The Thomaston-Upson School System would like to hear from YOU! Please click on the link below and complete the Georgia Department of Education’s School Climate Survey for Parents. Your opinion is very important to us. Your survey responses are confidential and will be combined with the survey responses of other parents at your child’s school to identify areas in need of improvement. It should take only ten or fifteen minutes to complete the survey. Thank you for your time and participation.
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