PBIS Student Spotlight
5th Grade Grandparent's Day
Grandparents/Parents must have turned in their yellow form. Please bring ID with you .
This is a reminder that 5th Grade Grandparent's Day is tomorrow, Wednesday, September 11th. It is only for the people who returned the yellow forms signed. Please bring your ID if you are checking a student out. ULES PTO will be set up selling Dominoes fundraiser cards for $20.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Homeroom Teachers
8:00 -Jones, Wall
8:10 -Andrews, Beard
8:20-Richardson, Carlisle
8:30-Flowers, Callahan
8:40-Floyd, Maddox
8:50- Carson, Chapman
Dear Parents! Today is the last day to purchase Dominoes cards online. The fundraiser closes tomorrow. Students need to bring their forms and money in on Thursday.
Dear Parents!
We are running the Domino’s pizza fundraiser and we need your help! We are only 21 cards away from the TOP REGISTERED SELLER winning a $50 Amazon gift card this week! We can do this!
Text our store link to your family and friends and earn awesome prizes! You can even post our store to Facebook and IG! You can buy a card too and get buy 1, get 1 FREE pizza until 6/30/25!
Send this to 10 different people:
Please help the ULES PTO! All of the funds raised will go towards meals for the staff, spirit sales, Santa Shop, agendas and recorders! We'll use this to fund our upcoming events!
Thank you!
This is a reminder that 4th Grade Grandparent's Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 10th.
It is only for the people who returned the yellow forms signed. Please bring your ID if you are checking a student out. ULES PTO will be set up selling Dominoes fundraiser cards for $20.
3rd Grade Grandparent's Day 2024
Feel free to add your own pictures of the event to the comments.
Reminder, Grandparent's Day is only for the people who sent the forms in and prepaid for the tickets . There will be no paying at the door.
This is a reminder that 3rd Grade Grandparent's Day is tomorrow, Monday, September 9th. ULES PTO will be set up selling Dominoes Fundraiser cards for $20.00. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Dear Families & Students:
We are running the Domino’s pizza fundraiser and we need your help!
Check out the details here: https://slicethepricecard.com/day1
Text our store link to family and friends and earn awesome prizes: https://store.dominos.cards/44567 You can even post our store to Facebook and IG! You can buy a card too and get buy 1, get 1 FREE pizza until 6/30/25!
Please help our school and students! All of the funds raised will go towards meals for the staff, spirit sales, Santa Shop, agendas and recorders! We'll use this to fund our upcoming events.
Thank you!
Hat Day- Friday $1
PBIS Student Spotlight
Dear Parents & Families!
Our fundraiser is officially off and running!
We have already raised $60 (online) towards our $1,000.00 goal!
Every student should register for the fundraiser! https://register.dominos.cards/44567 Once you register you will get your own personal link to share with friends and family. You will also be able to pick your child’s prize and the prizes go all the way up to $600 cash!
If you choose not to register, you can still support the school by sharing our general online store, where friends and family can purchase a Buy One, Get One large pizza card for just $20! Here is the link: https://store.dominos.cards/44567
Also, once you register you will have a chance to earn a $50 Amazon card! The registered student with the most cards sold by 9/3/24 at 11:59 p.m. EST will win a $50 Amazon gift card (when our school sells at least 100 cards online).
For questions, please call the hotline number: 866-252-6103
Thank you for participating and supporting our school!
Check out the awesome prizes!
Reminder: The money for Donuts with Grown -ups is due tomorrow. We will not accept any money or forms after tomorrow due to planning purposes. Thanks,
Our 1st Fun Friday is Friday, August 30th. Everyone can participate in this Fun Friday. Prices range from .25-1.25. Please make sure students bring their money in a Ziploc bag in order to keep up with it.
Donuts with Grown-Ups
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